“There’s nothing wrong with it. I make three times the money I’ll make when I graduate.” ~ Maggie
We live in a culture where people think they can make up their own truths. Today, how you feel is all that matters. And who are you to judge? Meet Maggie. She’s a 23 year old straight-A college student double majoring in Spanish and political science. She plans to graduate debt-free, and she recently told ABC News how she plans to do it: Studying by day and stripping by night.
As the father of two teenage girls, this horrifies me, not because I have something against Maggie, but because the lines of right and wrong have not only been blurred, they’re being erased.
Please understand I’m not judging Maggie’s decision or her life; I don’t know her, I don’t know her heart or her situation. I do know that what she’s doing is totally unnecessary and dangerous. I made this opinion public on line and was ripped to shreds. What did I have the audacity to suggest? Two things: First, I pointed out that Maggie is a child of God. He is crazy about her and He has a purpose for her life. She was not created to be the object of sexually excited (and mostly married) men, exploiting her in exchange for cash. Second, I questioned Maggie’s father, if there is one. Fathers have tremendous power and influence on their daughters. One facial expression, one disapproving glance can literally change a girl’s day. I have seen a grown woman’s demeanor completely change the moment her father enters a room. So when I boldly asked the question: How could her father allow this? I was attacked and my faith was mocked.
How did we get to this place? When did the ends justify the means? When did wrong become right? If Maggie is really a straight-A student, there are hundreds of scholarships available to her. There are paid internships, even programs that will help pay for school in exchange for a commitment to begin work in their corporation. Sure it’s hard, but nothing worth having ever comes easy. There are in-state schools, community colleges and jobs everywhere that don’t require a person to morally bankrupt themselves.
Maggie’s choice to strip for tuition is a tremendous teaching opportunity. I spoke to both of my daughters about this. I let them know in no uncertain terms that this is wrong, and choosing a route like this would hurt their God and their father. I told them they can always count on me and their mom to help find healthy and smart alternatives.
People of faith please hear me. We must stand up for what is right regardless of where society goes, regardless of how much we’re laughed at and ridiculed. When the military sends in soldiers to rescue people, they don’t send in wimps. They find the toughest, smartest, most courageous people. That is you. That is me. We are soldiers for what is right. And we must press on.